I’m on my fifth week of isolation and while life is certainly not normal, I’ve found I am adjusting to the new routine. I suppose that working from home regularly meant I was fairly used to being in my office and pottering round the house during the day, but that still didn’t prepare me for
How To: Herbal Bath Salts
We all need those times of calm, when we can shut off from the world and relax – now more than ever. But one person’s idea of relaxing can be different to anothers and we all have our own ways of destressing. For some it’s
How to Ward Off the Winter Blues / AD
Happy new year! So, 2020 has begun and whether you believe in setting new year resolutions or not, the start of a new year can be a great time to think about how you can make small, healthy adjustments to your life. For me, it’s to make more of an effort to look after myself. My diet is the biggest factor, as eating healthily seems to go out the window when life gets busy and I’ve got a big shoot on. Junk food starts reappearing (biscuits at my desk when I’m working from home, for example – there’s no one there to make me feel I should stop at just…